Wall Items
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Basic Wall Lamp
Crossed Muskets1
Crossed Muskets2
Cannon Port
Chaos Curtain
Chaos Plant
Constantin Painting
Cornelis Painting
Escherion's Portal
Eye of Chaos
Eye of the Sun G
Golden Lycan Plaque
Guardian Blade K
Kimberly's Mirror
Knives L
Large Golden Scarab
Light Switch
Lycan Plaque M
Miltonius Painting Alteon
Miltonius Painting Gravelyn
Musket2 O
OED Banner
Old Werewolf King Painting P
Painting of...Twilly?
Pet Shop Painting
Phaedra Painting
Potion Shelf S
Safiria Painting
Sand Trout
Sandsea Hanging Lamp
Shadowscythe banner
Skull Punch Guitar
Small Golden Scarab T
Tattered Curtains U
Undead Boars Head V
Vampire Plaque
Voltaire's Guitar